
Why Choose Rocket Innovation Group?

Experience counts. We developed the award-winning My Evault application.

Turning your vision into a world-class app requires a mix of iterative development experience, valued business experience,  a passion for emerging technology and adoption of process excellence principles. Our user centred design methodology coupled with an agile development environment means we consistently produce apps that engages users with superior experiences. Check-out our award-winning My eVault application.

We Sell Quality


We design and prototype your app, and give you full input every step of the way.

Perfect UI

Our experienced design team will make a UI perfect for your users.


Let us help develop the interactive and functional elements.

Experience counts

Avoid wasting time and money creating a second rate app. Get it right the first time. Experience counts.

Our Services Include


Mobile app development for iOS and Android.

Mobile Consulting

We specialise in design, development, app submission, marketing, commercialisation, funding and legal requirements for your app concept. Planning and communication is key.

Mobile Mentoring

Mobile Mentoring for those needing guidance on building an app.

Design services

Business logos, app videos and website design.

My eVault

Software licencing opportunities for our award winning app. Contact us for more details.
